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【仓库】:大量库存【经营模式】:贸易 【产品单价】:电议
★联系电话:0592-5072236 * 18965131356
◆内置的Modbus RTU和Johnson metasys N2协议为可选参数,不需要额外的软件和硬
·Bus Master:这类网卡上有一片控制芯片(CONTROLLER),专门用来管制整个传输过程及总线的使用,由于控制动作由这片芯片代劳,数据可以直接从网卡传给主机板,不必I/O PROT,也不必经过CPU。由于不占用CPU宝贵的时间,能有效减低系统的负担,因此特别适用在服务器上。多数EISA、MCA、PCI接口的网卡都支持用这种BUS MASTER方式与主机板沟通。
·Parallel Tasking技术:3COM公司专利技术,此技术能够在10Mbps 或100 Mbps连接时使数据传输速度最高。
·Parallel Tasking II技术:3COM公司专利技术,此技术能够降低CPU占用率,还由于数据更有效在PCI总线上传输而提高了应用性能。在过去,在一个总线主操作周期里网卡至多每次只让64字节的数据在PCI总线上传输。为了把一个1514 字节的数据包全部传输到PC主机,就需要24个单独的总线主操作周期,这使总线的效率很低。有了Parallel Tasking II技术之后,网卡就能够在一个总线主操作周期里在总线上传输整个Ethernet数据包,这极大地提高 了PCI总线的效率。其结果是加快了传输速度并改善了系统性能,使台式机和服务器的应用软件工作得更好。
Promotional Codes
I/A Series Systems
Promo Code Discount Expiration Description
SLA PN Varies None Adds an additional 10% discount to standard AdvantagePlus 7-
digit part number incentives for Service Agreement clients. For example, P0997MS
(Mature) is an Advantage upgrade from 100 to 200 Series FBMs. Without a Service
Agreement, clients will recieve a 35% discount; with a Service Agreement, entering
the Promo Code will increase the discount to 45%
SLA MC Varies None Adds an additional 10% discount to standard AdvantagePlus
model code incentives for Service Agreement clients. For example, S10B23220004 is
an Advantage upgrade from Version 6 (LifeTime). Without a Service Agreement,
clients will recieve a 20% discount; with a Service Agreement, entering the Promo
Code will increase the discount from 20% to 30%. (P270, P90, P91, P92, S10, S36 -
S39, S61)
SLA Micro 60% 31-May-09 Use for incremental Advantage incentives for Service
Agreement clients on "Micro I/A to Mesh" kit part numbers. For example, P0997VG
is an Advantage upgrade from Micro IA (LifeTime) to a CP270. Without a Service
Agreement, clients will recieve a 20% discount; with a Service Agreement, entering
the Promo Code will increase the discount to 60% as part of the Limited Time Micro
I/A to Mesh Offer. From 01Apr09 forward, the Promo Code will increase the
discount from 20% to 30%. (P0997VG-VP)
CYBER 60% 31-Mar-10 Adds a 60% discount to standard AdvantagePlus model code
incentives for clients who have both a LifeTime Service Agreement in place and
have purchased a Cyber Security Assessment. For example, S10B23220004 is an
Advantage upgrade from Version 6 (LifeTime). Without a Service Agreement, clients
will recieve a 20% discount; with a Service Agreement and Assessment, entering the
Promo Code will increase the discount to 60% as part of the Limited Time Cyber
Security Offer. This applies to P270, P90, P91, P92, S10, S36 - S39 and S61model
Triconex Systems
Promo Code Discount Expiration Description
TriconexNoAgmtObsLT 20% None For Triconex clients without Service Agreements who
are Advantage upgrading from Obsolete and LifeTime Versions V5.x, V6.x, V7.x, V8.x
to Version 10.
TriconexNoAgmtMatur 35% None For Triconex clients without Service Agreements who
are Advantage upgrading from Mature Version 9.0 - V9.5.x to Version 10.
TriconexNoAgmtAvail 50% None For Triconex clients without Service Agreements who
are Advantage upgrading from Available Version 9.6.x to V9.10.x to Version 10.
TriconexAgmt-ObsLT 30% None For Triconex clients with Service Agreements who are
Advantage upgrading from LifeTime or Obsolete Version 5.x, 6.x, 7.x or 8.x
TriconexAgmt-Mature 45% None For Triconex clients with Service Agreements who are
Advantage upgrading from Mature Version 9.0 to 9.5.x
TriconexAgmt-Avail 60% None For Triconex clients with Service Agreements who are
Advantage upgrading from Available Version 9.6.x to V9.10.x